The Great Storm

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The Great Storm – Life’s Storms with Faith in Jesus

The Great Storm, In the biblical passage Mark 4:37-41, a profound analogy unfolds as Jesus and his disciples encounter a fierce storm at sea. This narrative serves as a powerful metaphor for our existence in the world, illustrating the challenges we face and the significance of faith in navigating life’s tumultuous seas.

In this passage, the disciples find themselves in a boat, tossed by violent waves until it is on the verge of being overwhelmed. Meanwhile, Jesus, seemingly unperturbed, rests in the rear of the ship, asleep on a pillow. Faced with imminent danger, the disciples awaken him, exclaiming, “Master, cares thou not that we perish?” This plea echoes the human cry in times of crisis, questioning whether God is aware of our struggles and concerns.

Jesus, in response, rises and rebukes the wind, commanding the sea to be still. Miraculously, the wind ceases, and a great calm descends. He then addresses his disciples, questioning their fear and lack of faith. Their awe is palpable as they marvel at the authority of the one who commands even the wind and sea.

The Great Storm, this biblical narrative serves as an allegory for our worldly journey. The boat, tossed by violent waves, represents the world we inhabit, subject to trials and hardships, and tribulations. The disciples’ cry, mirrors the human inclination to distance ourselves from God, relying on our intelligence and abilities to navigate life independently.

The prevailing attitude in society often divorces itself from a reliance on Jesus, viewing external deities as unnecessary for daily living. Yet, the narrative reminds us that Jesus descended from the divine realm, willingly embracing humanity’s struggles to make us participants in his eternal Kingdom. God sent Him to bear our sins, offering redemption through his Holy precious Blood.

The Old Testament’s sacrificial rituals, symbolized by the blood of lambs, were temporary measures, signifying the acknowledgment of sin without the complete revelation of God’s eternal saving mystery. Jesus, however, became the ultimate sacrificial lamb, offering himself once and for all for the forgiveness of sins. This profound act simplifies salvation – have faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior, and forgiveness is freely given.

Amid humanity’s pride and technological marvels, individuals may believe themselves untouchable and elevated in rank. Yet, Psalm 4-9 admonishes those of rank, questioning their pursuits and urging them to seek the Lord’s wonders. The call to tremble and sin not emphasizes the importance of righteous living, reinforcing the need for a deep connection with God.


Returning to the storm and the ship, the core message is clear: living without faith in this world subjects us to the same fate as the disciples in the boat, buffeted by the forces of evil and worldly troubles. Jesus’ command to the wind and sea reveals his authority over the adversities within and around us. By rebuking these evil forces, we can experience the transforming peace and calm that follows.

Jesus challenges us not to succumb to fear but to question our lack of faith. The disciples, witnessing his power, experienced a fear grounded in reverence for the possessor of heaven and earth. This fear is not of the same nature as fearing another human but is a holy and righteous fear, acknowledging the authority and majesty of God.

The analogy of the storm serves as a poignant reminder to stay connected to God. Distancing ourselves from the divine inevitably leads to facing the great storm described in the passage. It is a vivid depiction of the consequences of a life lived without faith.

As we navigate the seas of life, the wisdom within this biblical narrative encourages us to acknowledge the existence of a great storm – the trials and tribulations that beset us. Jesus’s command to the wind and sea beckons us to invite his authority into our lives, allowing the transformation power of faith to subdue the storms that rage within and around us.

May Lord Jesus Christ our Savior, open our hearts and minds to understand His teachings; so we can leverage this narrative to emphasize the importance of faith in navigating life’s challenges.

God bless.

The Storm of life

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