Morning Prayer

Lift your Hearts towards HeavenOh God! My Glorious Lord.

You are the Creator and we are your created beings.

Be thou Exalted for evermore.

Praise and Adoration

Thank you Father God for this Day. Today is your Day that you have made.

I will be glad and thankful and rejoice myself in it.

For You are Good, You are Love, You are Merciful, Eternal, almighty God. Glory be unto You for evermore.

Thank you Father God for the ground I stand, for the Air I Breath, for the Water I drink, for all the Foods I choose to Eat.

Thank you Lord, for the Blue Sky, the Sunshine, the Moon and the Stars.

Thank you Lord for the Days and the Nights, for all the Seasons that You gave us.

Thank you Lord for the Clouds and the Rains, the Rivers, the Lakes, the Seas and the Oceans.

Thank you Lord for the Hills and the Mountains, for the Trees and the Forests,

for the Green Grasses of the Field the Flowers and the Lilies

Thank you Lord for all the Sea Creatures, the Birds of the air, the Beasts of the wild and the tame.

Thank you Lord, for Your Love, for Your Mercy, for Your Grace and Your Abundant Nature.

Most of all Thank You Lord, for reconciling us back to Your Kingdom,

by giving us Your only Begotten Son Lord Jesus for our Salvation.

Thank You for your utmost expression of Your Love towards us.

Thank you for bestowing upon us such a Heavenly Gift.

Make us partakers of Your Gift. Do not banish us from Thy Face,

because of our earthly desires and wanton thoughts and deeds.

Balance our lives on this Earth and brings Home safe, O’ my Lord, O’ my God.

Oh! Fierce-full God, Mercy-full God, Loving God.

Your Love is Everlasting, Your Mercy endures forever.

Save us from Your anger and guards under your Wings.

Let us seat down quietly and know that You are our Lord and our God.

Bless and sanctify our Days and our Lives.

Thank you, Triune God.  Be Blessed for Evermore.

Pray to The Father

Thank you Father God for your Love and Mercy and Your abundant nature.

Thank you Father God for Your Predetermined Council to save us from the enemy.

When you knew we fail short of your Grace,

You gave us Your only Begotten Son Lord Jesus for our Salvation.

Thank you Father God, for Your utmost expression of your Love.

Thank you for bestowing upon us such a Heavenly Gift.

Make us partakers of you Gift, do not banish us from your face,

because of our earthly desires and wanton thoughts and deeds.

Balance our lives on this Earth and brings Home safe.

Oh! My Lord, Oh! My God.

Aba, there is no one like You, Aba, there is no one like You!  There is

no one like our God.

Pray to Jesus our Savior

Lord Jesus, Our Sweet Savior, Lord Jesus our Redeemer. .

Lord Jesus ,  let us walk by Your Grace.

Who You abandoned your Divinity

You came among us, Emmanuel, took the form of our wretched Humanity,

and suffer for us on the Cross to give us Salvation.

For my sake they put on your head a crown of thorn.

For my sake they pierced your hands on the Cross because of my sin.

For my sake they stub your side with a lance and blood and water pour out of your side.

For my sake you have to go down in the belly of the earth and got buried.

On the third day you rose again by the power of your Father and the Holy Spirit,

and ascended  into Heaven and sat at the right hand of Your Father.

You will come again in Glory to judge the Living and the Dead.

And for your Kingdom there will be no End.


Pray to the Holy Spirit

Thank you Holy Spirit giver of life, come fill our hearts with your Love,

with your Peace, with your Joy and Grace.

Bless our lives on this earth and brings home safe, oh my Lord , oh my God.

Enlarge our Hearts and give us wisdom and understanding of our Lord Jesus.

Let His teachings and His words be revealed tu us.

Reveler of all Truth.  Amen

The Father’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in Heaven

Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come.

It shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day Our Daily Bread,

for give us our trespasses, as we for give those who trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory,

for Ever and Ever, Amen

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