Change Your Habitation

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Change your Habitation

The Birds of the air, they master the upper heavenly space.  They glide, dive and float sometimes show acrobatic movement.

They are very comfortable because it is their habitation. God created them fit for that environment.

The Fishes of the sea-they are comfortable in their own habitation.  They dive and maneuver under the body of water.  You don’t see them panicking or being confused, because they are in their own God given habitation.

The Beasts of the wild-they are comfortable and content in the jungle and in the dark, that is where God design them to be. He has put in their innate nature to fear man and stay away in the wilderness.

Except at the end of times their sense of fear towards humankind will be removed and they will be daring to come close to the dwelling places of humans. At end of times all grace that we have been enjoying, will be revoked from us, including the Holy Spirit will be withdrawn from this earth specially, after the Rapture. Today, after Jesus came and died for our salvation; we are living under Grace thru Faith.

The Flowers of the fields, they bloom and thrive because they exist in their own habitation.

Man! Of course we all know that earth is our habitation.  So if earth is our habitation, why so much problems, so much unhappiness, incomprehensible things happen among us and around us.

You see, when the birds of the air, the fishes of the sea and the beasts of the wild, they are created with a physical attribution fit for their environment.  They lack something; they have no conscious, no remorse or reasoning power because they have no Mind/Spirit/Soul, thus, they only care how to satisfy their physical needs. They are carnal creatures.  You know what carnal means – on physical, especially sexual needs, eating and sleeping activities. It is sad today’s human beings are more carnal than spiritual.

Human beings are different. God created us to partake two habitations. The reason for that is: We sinned against God and drove us out of his kingdom and gave us a probationary period on earth, based on the Faith that we have in his Son Jesus Christ.  If we believe in Him that He is the Son of God and Redeemer of Man kind; then we will be called to His Glorious Kingdom at the end of our lives, where it was our original habitation. This gift is performed thru the free will He gave us.  Mathew 3:16 – God so much loved the world, whosoever believes in His Son will not perish but have eternal life.

Since a Sinful man cannot coexist with a Holy God, He has to put us on this Earth. We have to separate from Him.

Now we have two habitations.  The Earthly and the Heavenly.  We were created to be Spiritual beings.  You know the story, how Adam and Eve sinned against God. Eve listened what the devil whispered in her ear.  “If you eat this fruit you will be like God.” When she heard this, she was taken by the temptation of three powerful desires.  1. The lust of the eye, she looked at the apple and it looked so good for her.  2. The lust of the flesh; to satisfy her fleshly desire to eat it.  3. The lust of pride; she was captivated by the thought of being like God, pride. She passed her desires to Adam and he sinned. Because of this original sin, man kind inherited the sin nature from Adam. If you ask why not we inherit the sin nature from Eve. Here is your answer. When a woman conceives; the blood line comes from the man’s side. The woman’s egg does not contain blood; and the secret of life is in the Blood.  That is why blood is so precious thus the command do not kill.

Jesus while he was on this earth was tempted by the devil with these same three desires.

Before our sinful nature, our habitation was a magical heavenly place. That is what God meant when he said “Seek the kingdom of Heaven, and Earth will be added to you.”  If we follow his commandments and stay with his promise all the earthy problems man kind is facing should have been avoided.

Because of spiritual weakness we end up being in turmoil and live in uncertainty because we missed the mark. therefore, we lost not knowing both earthly and heavenly habitation to work for our advantage as God meant it to be.

What does God wants from us? To love him, to fear him for he is sovereign God and to obey his commandments. Have faith in Jesus our savior and do good deeds for your fellow man, leave the rest to God.

God did not want to lose us for the evil spirit (the Devil) and his vicious ways to mess around with man kind. Jesus was sent by His heavenly Father to this earth to redeem us and wash away our sins by His Holy precious Blood and to be partakers of His Kingdom which is our real habitation.

therefore, let us keep our Faith. Fear our Creator, live humbly and righteously in front of Him so this earth will be our blessed habitation.  For it won’t be long before he comes to judge the world.

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