Welcome to Society For Jesus

AbrahamOur goal is to bring you the Word of God thru this electronic media. You will be versed with the knowledge and understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ.  All things are passing away, but the Word of God is ever lasting.

You want a proof of how the Word of God will never fail until His purpose is accomplished?  The Jewish people were dispersed through out the world. because of their disobedience to Him,  but He promised them that at the later days He will gather them from every corner of the earth and will bring them to the land He had promised to their forefathers.

Without loosing their identity, language or culture for the last 2000 years, they form the nation of Israel in 1948, as God has promised them.  God started our human history with Israel and He will end it with the glory of His people Israel to His ultimate Divine purpose. Understand that God’s Word endures for ever.


Society For Jesus